Thursday, June 23, 2011

Graphic Novel Project – Request for Your Dreams!

Hello everyone,

So, I have a project in the works, (extremely tentatively entitled “The Rub”) which will hopefully turn into a graphic novel. It will largely be made up of real-life dreams (the sleep kind, not the aspiration kind, though I’m sure those are lovely too). To begin working on a draft, I need to collect those dreams, and where better to begin than here.

WHAT I NEED: Any dream of yours that you can describe for about a minute or longer – so this means the dreams you can remember quite vividly. The dreams you can only describe in a sentence or two will likely not provide enough material for me to work with.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU AGREE: I’ll set up an interview, either in person or over Skype (you can email if you wish, though I’d prefer a live chat). There will be a form to sign (basically agreeing to allow your dream to potentially be used – and a decision on your part of whether or not you wish to have your name credited. This credit will not directly be in the story, nor will any images look like you – the credit would be on a thank you page only. I do understand, however, that some dreams can be unusual enough that you don’t want to be associated with them at all, so it is your choice whether or not you want to be thanked publicly or not). If I’m interviewing you online, I’ll email you the form and you’ll need to print it, and send it back to me via scan or mail (if that ever lives again). Then we’ll have a chat (which I’ll record) and that’s all that needs to happen!

If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.

Thank you for your help folks. Projects are fun. 


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